Hassle-Free Shopping and Fitment for Replica Porsche Wheels

For convenient financing, free shipping, and excellent customer service, contact UsaRim for your next set of wheels or wheels and tires. With wheel prices starting at $99 apiece, you are sure to find an affordable, quality set of rims to upgrade your vehicle. Backed by UsaRim’s extensive warranty, each wheel is carefully inspected before being sent to you with our standard no-charge shipping.

Our replica Porsche wheels are guaranteed to meet your satisfaction with our no-questions-asked return policy. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can return the rims within 7 days for a full refund. For added convenience, we offer Porsche wheel and tire packages at unbeatable prices to save you the hassle of shopping for tires and the headache of determining the proper tire size and fitment for your new wheels. Each wheel and tire package is mounted, balanced, and ready to install upon receipt. We carefully inspect each unit for bubbles, cracks, dents, and imperfections, ensuring that you receive a quality product with a guaranteed fit.

Our Porsche replica wheels come in 18”, 19”, 20”, and 22” diameters. We also offer wheels for the Porsche Cayenne, which requires a specific bolt pattern. If this is the first time you have purchased wheels for your vehicle, we sell custom lug bolts for each rim to guarantee proper fitment and installation of your new aftermarket wheels onto your vehicle. We can recommend a reputable service center for you to have your wheels mounted on your vehicle, and we provide support during the entire process. If you have any questions or if your mechanic encounters any issues while installing your rims, please do not hesitate to give us a call and allow us to assist. We have over three decades of experience in all makes and models of cars, and there is not a question we can’t answer. We have been a trusted distributor to Porsche dealerships across the nation, and regularly work with their mechanics that do not have experience with aftermarket products.

UsaRim is your trusted source for replica rims and wheel and tire packages. With our unbeatable prices and superb customer service associates, we are waiting to serve you!