In the wheel manufacturing business, there are two different types of products: factory wheels and replica wheels, and there is a huge debate in the car world about which is better. Factory rims are OEM, or original equipment manufacturer, and come installed on your vehicle when you purchase it new off the dealer lot. Replica rims can be bought from wheels shops and online retailers, and are installed on your vehicle to replace the OEM wheels that come standard with your car. If something goes wrong with your factory wheels, such as a bubble, dent, bend, or a break, you need to buy new rims. You have two options: factory OEM wheels or replica wheels. Which is the better choice? It’s a controversial topic in the auto world and you can find thousands of online debates about which manufacturing option is better. Here we will sort out the myths and opinions, get down to the facts, and compare the two fairly. Let’s dive in to see how these opinions stand up to the facts. Are you geared up and ready? Let’s go!
Myth: Factory Wheels Fit Better Than Replicas
Replica naysayers believe that replica rims will not fit your car as well as the original factory rims, stating that aftermarket wheels will make your car vibrate and rub on the suspension or brakes.
These potential ride problems likely come from fitment, rim quality, or improper installation of the wheels rather than an issue of factory vs. replica. If the car is vibrating because of the rims, it could be because they are not balanced properly or because there is a dent or bend in one or more of the rims. Before rims are installed on your vehicle, they must be balanced, and the rim company doesn’t do this unless you’ve bought a wheel and tire package. Why? Both rims and tires are not perfectly circular, as this is impossible to achieve, just like drawing a perfect circle by hand is impossible. Tires must be put on the rims first, and then they are mounted to a balancing machine that tells the auto tech where the heaviest point is in order to balance the wheels. Once professionally balanced, they are then mounted onto the car. Unless a wheel company sells wheel and tire packages and has balancing equipment, this is done at a tire shop. If your wheels were not thoroughly balanced onto your tires before installing them on your car, it is likely that you will experience vibrating regardless if the wheels are replica or factory.
Proper fitment is important. Your wheel seller should be able to help you find the wheels that fit your car and your existing tires, or help you find new tires to fit the rims you are shopping for. However, you should learn about proper fitment prior to purchasing so you can tell if you are speaking to a knowledgeable sales person and reputable company. This is important whether dealing with both factory and replica wheel retailers.
Myth: Replica Wheels Are Made Cheap
There are widely varying opinions among forum posters on this topic, and it is debated in nearly every car related forum. Some say the replicas are made cheaper, others say they are not. What’s the truth behind this debate?
Opponents of replica rims have evidence to support their case. There are companies that produce poor quality aftermarket wheels and they have created a lot of unhappy customers. One example is Mille Miglia. Mille Miglia is a replica rim manufacturer that closed its doors because the rims it produced were too soft and bent too easily. Fortunately, companies like Mille Miglia cannot stay in business long because the Internet provides transparency and customer reviews travel fast. A cheap rim seller isn’t going to last because word will get around about their poorly made replicas. When people stop buying their products, which they will, they are forced out business.
The truth is many wheels, factory and replica, are made cheap; however, there also many, if not more, that are quality made. Both sides have a solid place in the debate. The main point in wheel quality is the metal from which the wheels are made. Rims should be made from aircraft aluminum alloy, which is the lightest and most durable quality aluminum obtainable. If the factory or replica wheels are made from anything else, they are inferior. Check the seller’s website to see what their rims are made of. Poor quality isn’t just going to look bad on your car; it can cause a serious accident that can harm you, your passengers, and others on the road. Finding quality made rims can save you from this danger and provide you with a great looking vehicle. Think of it as a public service of safety and coolness.
Myth: Replica and OEM Rims Don’t Have the Same Finish
Most of the time the finishes are identical. The finish refers to what is painted on the wheel, which starts as bare metal. First, a primer is applied, and then the paint. The most popular finishes are chrome, silver, black matte, gloss black, gunmetal, and machined, although you can get just about any color you want. The paint is protected with a clear coat that helps protect the wheel from the elements such as dirt, small pebbles, and other road debris. According to guide Sean Phillips, “Most original equipment wheels are sprayed with a liquid clearcoat, however many refinishers now use a clear powdercoat which is baked onto the wheel for a finish that is even tougher than the original.”
The only finishing process that is different is chrome. Chrome wheels are made with layers of nickel, bronze, and chromium. They do not have a clear coat applied, so the owner must be more careful with chrome rims. Quality OEM and replica rim sellers will provide you with at least a one year warranty on the wheels’ finish, but you also need to care for them properly to prevent any damage.
According Phillips, “informed drivers with chrome wheels keep an extra set of steel or alloy wheels with snow tires mounted, because chrome wheels should really never be on your car during road salt season.”
Keep the chrome wheels for the warmer months, and another finish that has a clear coat for the winter months. You’re going to need to swap out for snow tires in the winter anyway so you might as well have some good looking rims to go along with them that can stand up to the winter weather.
Fact: You Can Save Money Buying Replica Wheels
This goes back to the old saying, you get what you pay for. If the price seems too good to be true, then it is. A cheap set of rims was probably made at a really low cost, which is not good. Quality made replica rims, or factory wheels, have a higher price point because they cost more to make…usually. Then again, you could have cheap rims with a high price made to look like they are quality. So, how can you really know? Look for things that can tell you whether the business you’re dealing business is legit.
7 Things to Look for When Buying Replica Rims:
1. Experience: The more years the business has been selling rims, the better the chance that their replicas are quality made. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) can verify the number of years in business. If they are not verified by the BBB, that’s a red flag.
2. Feedback: Look for positive customer feedback on their own website, as well as on eBay and Amazon. If there’s no feedback, or worse, negative feedback, it’s not a seller you want to do business with.
3. Testing: What tests are performed on the rims? Replica rims undergo the same tests as factory wheels, and these include x-ray testing, underwater testing, radial fatigue testing, and spectrometer testing. These tests ensure that the replica rims can stand up to the wear of being driven on without breaking, flaking, bending, or bubbling. Replica rims should also be tested for and pass the same safety requirements your vehicle manufacturer’s wheels test for.
4. Certifications: All replica wheels should be certified by TUV (Technical Examination Association), ISO (International Organization for Standardization), and JWL (Japan Light Wheel Alloy). These certifications check for safety and quality.
5. Warranties and Guarantees: Every factory or replica wheel company should have a lifetime warranty on the rims, and at least a one-year warranty on the finish. The replica rims should be guaranteed to be as good as, if not better than, the car’s factory rims. Do they promise these things on their website? Always get it in writing.
6. Sold Elsewhere: It’s a risk for a business to stock another seller’s replica wheels. If others are willing to take that risk, and have been successful with it, your replica rims are more likely to be made very well. High quality replicas are sold in large, nationwide tire and wheel chain stores, factory auto dealerships, and independent tire stores.
In the end, it’s all about the individual wheel companies, their reputation, and the experience they offer their customers. There are a lot of outstanding replica companies to choose from that provide a quality product that’s equivalent if not superior to original factory wheels, and often at a fraction of the cost. By doing thorough research before making a purchase, you ensure the safety of your ride and the life of your new wheels.
Nicky Lamarco, Automotive Blogger
Author Bio: Nicky LaMarco has been published in Super Rod Magazine, Street Trucks Magazine, Hot Compacts & Imports Magazine, Truckin’ Magazine, among a variety of other publications. She writes from her home office in Maine where she lives with her husband and two daughters. Visit her website at