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UsaRim specializes in selling Ultra-High quality OEM replica and aftermarket wheels. We proudly manufacture and distribute every product we sell to ensure you receive the best in quality, price, and warranty coverage. UsaRim products are proudly sold throughout over 5000 franchised and independent dealerships and we ranked #1 in wheel sales on Ebay & Amazon for over 4 years. Our catalog of wheels is extensive and we carry most of the styles and sizes on the road today. Our shipping is fast, cheap, and reliable - all orders are shipped out in 1 business day. UsaRim's product support team is comprised of highly-trained and seasoned automotive veterans who are on standby to help you seven days a week. |
Frank B.
Frank is the vice president of sales at UsaRim and has over 27 years of experience as a manager for America's largest tire dealer, Discount Tire. With over two decades of technical expertise and hands-on experience, Frank is equipped to handle your most difficult questions.
Adam G.
Adam is an ASE certified master mechanic and professional tire technician. His resume includes advising clients such as Costco, Michelin, Pirelli and Goodyear on tire issues, industry trends and product performance. UsaRim is proud to offer Adam's experience to all of our customers, new and returning and he is always happy to hear from you.
Amber W.
Amber is our Office Manager at USA Rim. She has over 10 years of experience in various accounting fields, certified in Quick Books; 5 years of Importing experience, with a thorough grasp of US Customs laws and regulations. In addition to maintaining the books and keeping track of imports, she demonstrates excellent customer service and is always a helping hand to others in the office.
Don P.
Don is our regional warehouse manager and has an extensive background in automobile engineering. Don been an automobile mechanic for nearly 5 decades and enjoys working in an environment where he can put his unique skill set to good use. Don steadily delivers and exceptional buying experience to our customers by ensuring that all products are packaged correctly and safely and that all orders leave within 24 working hours.
Hector O.
Hector is the newest addition to our family of automotive experts. He settled in California from El Salvidor in 1985 and is fluent in English and Spanish. Hector has 14 years of experience doing tire installation and vehicle modifications. Hector is certified at the expert level for tire mounting and safety procedures. We are very lucky to have Hector and are proud to offer his skills to all of our customers.

Michael M.
Michael is the head of marketing for UsaRim. He began working at UsaRim out of college as a salesperson and quickly learned the business from top to bottom. Michael is responsible for liasing with our extensive network of advertising partners including, Google Inc., Yahoo Business, Dupont Registry, Ebay, Amazon, and many more. In addition, Michael has played an integral role in introducing UsaRim to Factory dealerships such as Mercedes Benz, Jaguar, BMW, Land Rover and Lexus. Michael is in contact on a continuous basis with the leaders in the wheel and tire industry to ensure that UsaRim continues to stay ahead of the curve and set trends competitors can only hope to follow.

Moe A.
Moe is a highly educated man and decorated former marine with nearly a decade of collegiate work and military service. Moe is the head of public relations for UsaRim and ensures that stringent company policies are strictly enforced and abided by. It's because of people like Moe that UsaRim consistently ranks so high in customer satisfaction. Behind the scenes, Moe is working tirelessly to ensure that your buying experience will be pleasant and hassle free. In addition, our team morale has never been higher and it shows in the way we treat our customers.
John D.
John is a professional graphics designer and web programmer. John's job is to make sure your online experience is simple, to the point, and rich with relevant information. John is also an accomplished photographer who has implemented many of the technologies that make our product images as vivid and detailed as they are.
Chase M.
Chase is a sales associate at UsaRim. He has been with us for over 3 years and takes customer service very seriously. It's not uncommon for Chase to spend his weekends visiting local dealerships and wheel shops to see what he can learn. Chase has consistently received A+ service ratings and has a breadth of technical knowledge that reaches far beyond his years. Go Chase!
Paul W.
Paul is another young sales associate at UsaRim. He is a former student of the University of San Diego and has has served the aftermarket and OEM community for over 6 years. Paul continues to provide an exceptional level of care and concern for all of his customers. Paul has also received A+ service ratings consistently throughout his career and will continue to do so.
Rebecca F.
Rebecca is the friendly face behind the phone at UsaRim. She is also a graduate of the University of San Diego who came to us with years of work experience and impressive resume. In addition to being highly organized and extraordinarily reliable, Rebecca puts a smile on the faces of our staff and our customers and always has a kind word for you. In addition to her phone duties, she is also oversees the administrative functions of our company to ensure that daily operations are smooth.

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